Wednesday, May 18, 2005

News about rur-ple

Things now seem to happen all at once on the rur-ple front.

A. Judkis at the Academy of Allied Health and Science, in Neptune NJ, had decided to inflict RUR-PLE on his 10th graders. The response has been so far very positive from the students from what I hear.

Someone contacted me offering to translate RUR-PLE in Spanish. Hopefully this can be done before version 1.0 is released.

A number of bugs were introduced accidently in version 0.8.5 - mostly due to the language selection ability (English/French) that was added. These bugs never manifested themselves on my computer, but they seem to affect everyone else! I suspect it's because I have a French version of Windows. These bugs should now be fixed in version 0.8.6a.

I have a neat (I think) Tower of Hanoi solution worked out and included (undocumented) in version 0.8.6a. This version also includes a solution to the 8 queen puzzle (also undocumented).

Unfortunately, I will be on the road for 3 weeks in June, and will not have time to do significant work on RUR-PLE for a while.

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